"You found a secret! This isn't a serious addition to the site, so the quality control will be out of wack but I thought it would be an interesting alternative way of explaining Level 0."

Entry 1

The floor, something that I had always thought to be of a solid state, just let me phase through it. I was on my way back home, and I tripped. And that was all it took for me to fall through the ground beneath me. It wasn't a long fall, it was like falling off a curb on the side of the road that you didn't see, or tripping down a step.

I found myself lying on some damp carpet. It was of some kind of grimy beige coloring. Getting up was hard, even though it wasn't a big fall, I felt like I had been flung off of a skyscraper. But upon getting up after a few minutes of just laying there in pain, I just saw yellow walls on every corner. These walls weren't a bright and happy yellow, they looked like old teeth or butter that had gone bad a long time ago. They were also covered in this weird wallpaper, it was… I don't know, weird arrows pointing upwards and dots. It made my eyes hurt.

There's also these long lights on the ceiling. They were really off putting, mainly due to how they were arranged kinda randomly and made this like… horrible, screeching humbuzz that I thought would end up driving me crazy after only a few minutes. They flicker, not much but little enough to make shadows move up and down on the disgusting walls.

I walked. Just walked. There's nowhere else to go. The walls stretch and stretch forever, or at the very least it feels like it. I haven't seen any windows or doors or anything that could be an exit. Just big gaps in the walls that I find myself constantly walking through. It's just more of those yellow walls. Again, and again, and again, and again.

I would say that I'm not scared, or that I know what's happened. But I really don't. I'm terrified. I'm confused. I'm a lot of things right now really. I remember the sidewalk's concrete on the way back from the mall. Now.. this. I'm going to try and sleep. Maybe it's all just a nightmare. Maybe when I wake up I'll be back in the warmth of my bed at home.

Entry 2

I don't know how long I was asleep before… but I can now say with confidence that it wasn't a dream. I woke up and immediately felt the scratchy, damp carpet, the bad smell, the walls… it's all still here. I can't escape this can I?

I decided it was best to just walk some more. I tried following one wall, hoping with all my remaining hope that it would lead somewhere. An exit. But I just saw more, and more, and more rooms. Or at least the openings in the walls that look like rooms. They are all the same. Empty and yellow.

I've been walking for ages. I don't know for how long exactly, I don't have any way of telling the time and it's hard to guess when all you've been doing is walking in endless, lonely cycles over and over. But, I'm starting to feel tired. Not a sleepy tired where I want to fall asleep, it's, like, a heavy tired. As is my entire body is made of some thick, dense metal. I'm feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, anxious, terrified and a whole wide range of other emotions right now.

I found another corner that looked ever so slightly comfier than the rest and sat down. There was a bottle on the carpet not too long ago… I drank it out of desperation. It had a taste of almonds but it made me feel a bit more refreshed. I'm going to close my eyes for a minute. Just a quick minute. Then I'll keep walking.

Entry 3

Ok. I don't know how long I was asleep for but I know I fell asleep. It could have been seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks? I have no way of knowing. But it's best to just keep on walking. No point in dwelling on how much I slept.

I got up and tried to walk again. It was hard, my legs ached but I did anyways. Still nothing of any worth, after ages of even more walking. It made me think back to that ceiling tile that was missing in one of the rooms I found before I slept for the first time here. I was too small to climb up it… it looked real dusty anyways…

I'm either going insane or I just saw something. I could have sworn to myself that I saw something tall and black in the very corner of my eyes, just standing there eerily still. Silent. I was crying when I saw it so whatever it was, it had absolutely heard me…

I'm hiding now as I write this. In a small room behind a pillar. My heart wants to burst out of my body. I want to go home. I never wanted any of… this… What even is this place? How can you just fall through the floor and end up in a yellow labyrinth?

I don't know what to do and I don't know where to go. I'm lost. I'll write again soon.