Level 0 - "Yellow Halls"

"If you're not careful and you noclip out of reality in the wrong areas, you'll end up in the Backrooms, where it's nothing but the stink of old moist carpet, the madness of mono-yellow, the endless background noise of fluorescent lights at maximum hum-buzz, and approximately six hundred million square miles of randomly segmented empty rooms to be trapped in. God save you if you hear something wandering around nearby, because it sure as hell has heard you."


The first photo of Level 0

The first photo of Level 0. Posted on 4chan.

Alternate region

Deep into Level 0.

Level 0 is typically the first level one would encounter when entering The Backrooms. It is famous for its grimy yellow walls fashioned with an old wallpaper that you could find stuffed away in a grandparent's house, it's damp and moist brown(ish) carpet and the fluorescent lights scattered across the ceiling irregularly, producing a loud and horrible humbuzz sound that will irritate your ears throughout your entire stay here.

The level itself is also quite repetitive in nature, say apart from a few odd rooms that just seem totally out of place with the objects inside and a few other various landmarks one could find if you explore this yellow labyrinth for long enough. But apart from that, it's usually the same walls, same outlets and same lights over and over again, although each room is laid out pretty differently though.

If you see a hole in the ceiling (typically where a ceiling tile has fallen) and climb into it, you'd find yourself in a cramped space that's about one meter tall. It's really hard to breathe in this space, however, as the air is thick with dust. Although, this is one of the exits to Level 0 and an entrance to either: Level 1, Level 4, Level 8 and (very rarely), The Hub.

The fluorescent lights of Level 0 are significantly louder and more grating then the typical lights you'd find in an office room. The reason for this is unknown. The liquid that permeates the carpet is not water and it is not recommended to consume, although we don't know anyone that's tried it.

Level 0 is the sister level of Levels 12 and 13. However, it is closer to Levels 1-8 than its "sisters".

The Staircases

The Second Floor

One of the stairwells will lead you up to the next floor. Up here, the walls are very close together and often claustrophobic. As you get deeper into the floor, the carpet will also start to get thinner until you are eventually on a carpet tight rope right above the void. Passing this will lead you to a metal staircase leading down and after about a 20 minute descent, you will enter Level -1.

The Electrical Room

The other stairwell leads down into a room filled with wires and power boxes in a way that implies the power should not actually work at all. The walls and floor here is a stone gray concrete, with some gaps in the floor with water with at least 20 sparks spewing out of it a second. None of the wires or power boxes can be destroyed and there have been many sightings of a fluffy, pink unicorn plush sitting next to one of them. It is not recommended to pick this up and exit the level with it. The doors labeled "Fire Exit" in a glowing green sign here will always lead to Level 2.


Noclipping of reality.

The Hub if you have it's key.


Some exit doors will lead to Level 1.

Some rooms are half-tiled with water, if you jump into this water and keep swimming for about 40 minutes, you will end up in Level 12. These rooms will usually also have a damaged piece of carpet, if you crash through these you will find yourself in Level 13.

Noclipping through a wall and finding a large metal staircase afterwards will lead to Level -1.

Very rarely, a door will lead to a dark area in Level 4.

Entering a red room.